
This module has been a real revelation for me, both briefs have been a good way to end this year off and above all a chance to combine all the positives and negatives learnt from the previous two modules, especially OUGD201, which I wasn’t really pleased with, even though I originally wanted to specialize in more print based media, but instead found that my strengths lied in the design for screen module. I have managed to work out the ways in which I work best and even if the results didn’t always satisfy or show how much work I had put into it, I take them as steps that have allowed me to come to where I am today and above all have allowed me to understand the kind of designer and work I want to undertake from this point onwards.

I really made it an aim for me that with this last brief I really have myself the time to understand what I wanted to do and actually do it. Not only to have a portfolio that to me represented my work and what I really wanted to be known for doing, but also be able to actually specialize in a domain. I think this is why I feel I have gained so much from this module, if only just getting my head around illustrator once and for all and also finding a working method and process that allowed me to get the most out of what I wanted to achieve. Ie. The image dictionary I started doing for this brief, which can really be applied and changed to suit any brief I hope to do.

The weakness is being able to find my limits and spot them from an early stage in the process, which I think is the only thing that held me back, and has throughout this module, It then slows me down and I find myself struggeling with time management and the workload I put upon mylsef. I also want to develop more of a typographical specialism within my work, and this I know I need more practice on. But this is what this module has really shown me.

The YCN brief also allowed me to understand the importance of collaboration and when it was needed. I think that no matter what the outcome was, it was something I coulnt have though of alone, maybe because of the idea’s that we both struggled to get across as our own and the comprimise made, but a second pair of hands always helps. It was really an enriching experience and lesson to learn, and I was able rely on someone that had skills I didn’t and it was really for the best as the outcome was a success.
Overall I think this has been the module I have most enjoyed this year and has really set the tone for what I want to do from this point onwards, and the specialsms I want to undertake for this next and final year.


Attendance 4
Punctuality 5
Motivation 5 
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 5
Quality of work produced 4
Contribution to the group 4



Final Website//



These are are poster and tube combination that I made, I think it was really esential I included these as they work well wil the whole package, I used really light weighter stock off white to give it a more retro effect and also tap into the whole limited edition feel which I really wanted for everything that was print based as it was relevant to an audience who will purchase it and would have a more fonder appriciation for vinatge and printed artwork as opposed to those who wil prefer it on a more digital scale. In anycase the designs are all from the orginal artwork on the lyrics booklet, with a slight twist. I wanted to add something different as oppsed to copy and pasting it onto a different format to really give something exclusive, which is why I played around with type and composition as well as colour, but still repsecting what I wanted it to communicate in relations to the songs and booklet. I am happy with the way in which they resolved themselves and the way they fit in well as the range and distribution//

Also marking the edition number on each one is something that I added to make it more credible in terms of limited edition products an exclusivity/